Intervju med Deon Meyer – repris från 2015
Foto: Sofia Runarsdotter
9 kriminalromaner översatta till 27 språk, journalist och motorcykelfantast, vingårdar och afrikansk lilja, alla titlarna, Taffelberget, afrikaans och Paul Simon med Diamonds on the soles of her shoes. Det var några av ledtrådarna som skulle leda er fram till en av mina favoritförfattare i deckargenren: Deon Meyer. Bjuder en exklusiv intervju med Sydafrikas deckarkung:
I am a big fan of your writing. I have read most of the titles which have been translated into Swedish and my favourite is Devil’s Peak. Do you have a favourite yourself? Is there one novel which is closer to your heart than the others?
– Thanks for the kind comments, and the opportunity to communicate with you and you readers. Books are like children — I love them all equally, so I don’t have a favourite. But some of my books do have a special significance in terms of my writing career: Dead Before Dying was the book that attracted the attention of my incredible agent Isobel Dixon, and turned me into a translated author for the first time. Devil’s Peak was written as part of my studies for a masters degree in Creative Writing under the guidance of the superlative Marlene van Niekerk, and I learned so much in the process. Blood Safari was the first time I attempted a full novel in (for me) the difficult first person point of view. Thirteen Hours won the Barry Award in the USA …
When you start outlining a new book, does it start with a setting, a crime, an issue you want to discuss or maybe a coversation overheard at the grocery store? In short, what triggers you to start a new book?
– It’s complicated. Every book obviously has an origin. In my case, usually two ideas that come together to trigger the creative process. But because I never outline a novel, that is just the starting point. Every bit of research shapes and changes the story and the characters, so ideas keep multiplying. The writing process itself — an exploration and discovery of all the various ideas — then further influences the final product. Furthermore, every book has a different origin in terms of the trigger ideas. They have been newspaper articles, dreams, conversations, meditation, music, a single, wordless sight during a Karoo night …
In my opinion your novels are exceptionally strong reads and a way to get a know a country which is rapidly changing. Is that an deliberate agenda of yours to comment on South Africa post apartheid?
– Thank you. No, my only deliberate agenda is to try and write the kind of novel of would have enjoyed to read myself (because I am the only reader I know). The rest just sort of happens by chance.
Can you please recommend our readers a good book to read?
– My favourite book of the past year has been Donna Tartt’s The Goldfinch.
Best wishes
Deon Meyer
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